Communicate with Power & Confidence!

Is your personal and professional communication
powerful, persuasive and productive?

Janice Dean transforms ordinary communicators from every walk of life into electrifying presenters and leaders.

As a professional speaker, trainer and executive coach, Janice has customized a treasure chest of performance gems to show clients how to take advantage of basic, yet profound, techniques to overcome stage fright, connect authentically and develop a commanding presence.

With her innovative and lively performance techniques, Janice trains corporate audiences and private clients in the crucial communication skills necessary to take charge of their careers, leadership positions and personal aspirations.


JD-AutographJanice Dean – is a dynamic, entertaining and thought-provoking Professional Speaker, and Executive Coach.

Learn from her uncanny ability to evoke the impulse, the talent, and the genius within individuals, so that every performance is not only genuine, but also their best, because it is their own!

More About Janice
Janice Dean – Executive Corporate Strategist